(022) - 2430 6018
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Refund and Cancellation Policy
Refund and Cancellation Policy
No refund will be made even if the shipment is delivered after Diwali due to any unforeseen reasons.
For any other queries regarding refund and cancellation you may contact on +91-9892178173 or write to us on
Shipping Policy
Courier charges are inclusive of all taxes (in India), Fuel surcharges and packing rates.
Any other levies, taxes, duties enforced by Government would be charged extra, if and as applicable.
All countries other than the USA have started imposing customs duty / Quarantine charges.
Due to ongoing pandemic situation, minimum 10 to 15 working days are required for all deliveries.
Address change charges will be levied extra if the delivery address is found to be incorrect.
6. We choose our logistic partners depending on their connectivity. Customers are provided with tracking numbers. Our preferred logistic partners are Fedex or DHL.